Ruby Sinreich’s Favorites

Liza Sabater
blogdiva in re: lighting farts | MOM: i've been reminded through Twitter there's fart videos on YouTube. KIDS: YESSSSSSS!
David Weinberger
dweinberger Wanna get your snark on tonight for the debate? Chat at irc:// We'll start about 30mins before the debate.
Ayşe E.
ayse I wonder what Margaret Atwood thinks about Sarah Palin.
Ana Marie Cox
anamariecox Husband points out that the only candidate truly qualified to participate in the John Cage memorial debate is Mike Gravel.
skeskali Here's a first: a musician follows me on Twitter, I go to their site, and actually like their music. Thanks @downthelees !
Anton Zuiker
mistersugar Watching Palin on CBS News last night. Reminds me of This is Spinal Tap: "But this goes to 11."
Dave Slusher
geniodiabolico @ruby This is what Dreamhost did to me. It sucked, got better, got worse but there was an outbreak of suck at day 97, last one of guarantee.
Baratunde Thurston
baratunde #RNC08 Baby daddy Levi is the best safe sex ad ever. "Do you want to end up on nat'l TV at the Republican convention?" USE A CONDOM
Ana Marie Cox
anamariecox People who live in small towns apparently "always proud of our country," which is news to many in the South.
Andy Carvin
acarvin I wonder if Obama is going to mention at today's rally that he picked Biden because he's articulate and clean. :-)
Ben Greenberg
minorjive @TheJennTaFur here's the link to my 10 minute interview w/Ben Chaney Lots more on under the neshoba murders tag.
Eduardo Bejar
edobejar Dear Cuil developers: Next time you brainstorm for a name, make sure that its present participle in spanish does not sounds like "f*cking".
davidb I call grammy, sounds like she is in a rain forest. me - "what is that sound?" grammy -"oh, people keep giving me birds" jesus - "wept"
erica g
ericagee @ruby @brianr Chatting w a Berkman intern (JK-D) today realized we both know & love you guys!
Anton Zuiker
mistersugar 6015 unread items in my newsreader. Guess I'll find a shady tree later and dig in.
Captain Hammer
captainhammer @ruby I'm creepy? Well that's not fair, I'm just naturally heroic, that's all.
Captain Hammer
captainhammer All sorts of cute girls following Dr. Horrible. Better follow them and save them from their folly. I'm sure they'd rather sleep with me
shauenv George Michael, gays, gesus, glamour, giggles: that is what the Alexander family is made of. At my family reunion.
Chuck Olsen
Chuckumentary @bcollinsmn Reading yr tweets... wondering what part of "I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." you think is not racist?


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