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@pydanny Funny link you posted about walmart/fema ;-)
Watched the last Blake's 7 episode. Old, great stuff. How's that for a series finale? :-)
Wondering about queues at US elections. Even with 70% turnout we hardly have lines (well, 3 people max in front of you) in the NL.
@jluvsu2 For the rest: he seemed real enthousiastic about the changes in the new ubuntu
@jluvsu2 A co-worker downgraded again tomorrow because of "missing nvidia drivers" (so no dual monitor setup for him). Check if it applies.
Wondering how django tests can be customized (like contrib.auth's when you modify the behaviour in your own code)
@tomlazar working at jarn HQ? Thought you got a new office in Berlin two weeks ago for you and two others?
Writing a blog entry on my first week of django experience now.
@emencia I get .docx files from people who aren't that computer literate, so it's probably a word default now. What's the job description :)
I just moved my over to the new server.
Got backups to work (hurray for backupninja) on the new server.
@danfairs that's the one I'm using. Had to do one fix for an admin urls change that the recipe doesn't handle well, but I see my /admin now!
No prior django experience (except short discussion with a coworker and watching two djangocon videos): already making a django buildout.
Cleaned out a lot of stuff to be able to shorten my ADSL cable for a better reliability. My room is actually presentable now :-)
Going through my email.
@jtauber I just watched your pinax presentation from djangocon. Nice work. ("pinax" sounds like a medieval axe with a pin to me, btw :-) )
I'm going to get some django experience! A mostly sql driven small website next to an existing plone site.
Going through yesterday's email in one batch. Today's email (apart from 1 or 2 high prio items) gets done in one go tomorrow. Works great.


claytron Rob Porter Lucas Gonze Christian Scholz Sean McGrath Nate Aune Alexander Limi Jon Stahl Gerry Kirk James Tauber Erik Rose Etienne Posthumus Vidar Andersen OL Geek Librarian David Convent JoAnna Alex Clark Jodok Batlogg Mikhail Kashkin Donna Snow davewave NL Spanky Justin Ryan John Robb goeldi The Open Source CMS miziodel Kai Diefenbach Scott Paley Shane Graber MattBowen __gotcha Tom Lazar