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at the academy of sciences with some out of town guests. amazing place!
@openville ugh, really sorry to hear that! plain sucks. its been quite a week for layoffs
my former employer laid off several hundred people today. sadly, the bloodletting continues
@jmw917 might they provide reasonable access to deep discounts? completely avoidable security situation, separate issue from consumer lunacy
you can actually poke yourself from your facebook profile page? WTF?
@yewknee i vote for downgrading the storage habits, unless you plan not to be near your computer for long periods of time
i know its december but i was fondly reminded of fogustâ„¢ this morning
had a fun night hanging out with songbird crew of both the past and present.
songbird 1.0 is out, early reviews are looking positive
hoping everyone has a happy thanksgiving. carve safely!
@ian @sharon i was surprised, happened upon it completely randomly
@ian @sharon looks like someone just got quoted in AP news
someone firing giant nerf darts from the bar next to the office into the street
they say that while oil prices have fallen 50% recently, airline fares are only down 17%. head scratching ensues
the thais are at it again didn't anyone tell them the airport is pretty far to march to?
feels kind of surreal having submitted photos to national geographic
google voice search works quite well. now its about the social awkwardness of blurting out "pizza delivery sf" to your iphone while on muni
didn't see matt gonzalez tonight. weird enough seeing him two days in a row. felt like i should start wearing a blazer


Dan Ian McKellar Paul Terry Walhus Daniel suprmary Greg Storey John Gruber Juan Carlos Jeffrey Zeldman Jon Crosby Darth Vader Twitterrific Keisuke Omi Dana Oshiro Twitter James Rocchi Toke Nygaard Jessey White-Cinis Brant Strand preed David Hewlett Miguelito Buzzard Michael Eades Brant Joshua Weisenfeld Ryan Tomayko seawall90 sugarbitch nicole califano openville Dara Schwartz kellyleigh Kvetch! andisab Arlo Peter van Hardenberg