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@NurtureGirl to get funds might need to sell what is in market... everyone is selling, few are buying, hard to go liquid now
@thrivability they don't know what to do NOW... what worked for the last 20-30 years has stopped working... no experience in the new NOW!
@thrivability Foundations, like everyone else who depended on the stock market, don't know what to do... shock and awe now... will recover
Nassim Taleb's simple story of the turkey explains behavior in a species that assumes it is much smarter than turkeys ...
Fascinating, interactive web site by @MichaelLehto on the "Hidden Costs" of consumerism ... ... WOW!
@MichaelLehto re: Social Life of Routers... thanks. So, what do you think, can maps of networked systems be "art"?
The Social Life of Routers ... Routers have friends too ;-)
human systems/networks with high trust within, don't need no stinkin' lawyers, ;-) ...pruning is the punishment for bad behavior.
RT < @georgenemeth RT @BrandAutopsy "If it has to go through legal, it isn't a conversation." > me: the more Legal, the less trust in system
RT < @georgenemeth RT @BrandAutopsy: "If it has to go through legal, it isn't a conversation." > me: Legal is often "Queen Between"
@jodioneill good question on techie vs. PR "craft"... you probably need to intersect the two... innovation happens @ the intersections!
RT @mvermut Innovative thinking RT @dearsarah: Dear Congress: how bout you bail out the auto industry, but have the XPrize board in charge?
PRT < @eszter Bizarre when you think someone doesn't know you and you find out they're recommending you for various things > me: u famous!
@consciousjack re: multiple "org chasms" -- ROTFL, I have had clients with that "problem" -- too many communication gaps
PRT < @crawfordbrand @valdiskrebs thx. Hey, know what you call a widening gap in nodal connection?.... an "org chasm" > me: I like it!
More bad news graphs...
RT < @georgenemeth meditating, listening to an @valdiskrebs piece > me: for others to try, enjoy!:
@johnmscott used to work for Ford & Toyota. Yes inefficiencies need to be fixed, but NOT business process reengineering by the Senate!!!
Many Senate blockers of Detroit Bailout have NON-union foreign car plants in their states... do we want a TN/KY/AL/etc vs. MI/OH/IL/IN war?
Why do Senate Republicans care about Detroit salaries and not Wall Street salaries? Poorly disguised union-busting campaign?


Jerry Michalski Edward Vielmetti David HM  Spector Eszter Scott Smith Micah Sifry Alex patternhunter New Demographic christian crumlish Uldis Bojars Bruce Sterling William L. Anderson Jim Parsons David Weinberger Tim O'Reilly Jon Udell George Nemeth Wendy Seltzer Peter Kaminski Jean-Luc Raymond Lora Lufark Don John Robb godsdog Bruce MacVarish brynn Naomi Moneypenny Jack Ricchiuto edmorrison marc_smith jose fermoso Alphachimp Studio infoman Marc Aafjes Sheri Herndon