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For the first time in weeks, I start a Monday NOT behind on things. I'm caught up. Now I just need to get ahead!
Do people ever get taken by Nigerian scam artists? Yup. And for big money, too...
Finally, a TV appearance that doesn't suck! Made possible by all of the great tips from GRS readers. Thanks!
Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the PDX Central Library. I was a ball of nerves, but enjoyed meeting everyone afterward.
First time I've ever promoted a GRS post on Twitter: 34 Christmas gifts you can make yourself:
A cat in my lap is a happy thing, but it means I get very little work done.
How do spammers cash in? They get just 1 response in every *12.5 MILLION* e-mails, but that's all they need.
Why banks are boosting credit card interest rates and fees: -- No surprise: it's profitable!
So much to do, so little time to do it.
Cash found in Ohio house's wall sparks feud: -- Can't find an angle for GRS, but an interesting story anyhow.
Via a GRS reader, here's an article I've been meaning to profile: -- The only 7 investments you need
Have any of you used Credit Karma? If so, your thoughts?
Just because you see a political ad on a site doesn't mean the site supports that position. Google ads are difficult to control. Relax.
iTunes customer service is great. Let me re-download all my lost media. Music done (1113 songs), but now DAYS of video left to go...
Aha! I'm not the only one having problems with the new MacBook trackpad not clicking. It's a widespread issue.
This October in Oregon has been just gorgeous. Little rain. Now the trees are breathtaking. I could do this EVERY year...
Former bank worker describes how losing his job during the credit crunch triggered a rapid slide into poverty.
Whoof! After a couple days of being sick, it's nice to be on the mend. But man! Lots to catch up on now. Maybe I'll go read instead. :)
@bmckay I'm well-familiar with that place. The truth is, you're NOT a bum, and neither am I. We just need breaks now and then.
First sick day in a long time. Ignoring personal finance. Took a long, hot bath and read The Godfather. Soaked for hours, engrossed in book.


Andy Baio jessamyn west Erica Douglass Matt Haughey Cat Winterfox Barack Obama Paul Bausch Gina Trapani Brett McKay Flexo Wesabe Nik Chick Charlie Park Gary Vaynerchuk Mike Sterling John Wesley Trent Hamm Kathleen Bennett mbhunter Lynnae skellie Alan Cordle jgingerich chrisguillebeau Gibble debtkid glenstansberry Tim Ferriss andrea_coutu bargainr bripblap the_tim workhappynow kmcgrigg Penelope Trunk gretchenrubin