John Zeratsky’s Favorites

Josh Andrews
joshandrews Eating granola at Milk & Honey. Yuppie crack.
James I. Davison
jamesdavi @bydanielvictor "I like the escalator. Because an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. ... Sorry for the convenience."
Kristian A. Aloma
krisaloma Stalking Thurs. quietly & from the brush. It's a moody sea able to cuddle you in its prox. to the weekend or crush you with a 4-day anger.
Taylor Hughes
taylorhughes Clean coffee cup. Fresh start. The world is my oyster.
matt shobe
shobe September is a pretty fine time to visit Mexico. No tourist crush; the place is yours to explore.
Rick Klau
rklau Overheard at Dulles: Not making that up. (And I avoided spitting my drink out, too... which was not easy.)
noel "He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life." - Homer Simpson
matt shobe
shobe 6 year-old Ryan: "I came here to have dinner, not sit and be hungry." A budding Anton Ego.
Rick Klau
Rick Klau
rklau RIAA wins, woman fined $222k:
John Zeratsky
jazer OMG Steely Dan box set
Justin Ward
justinpward Spotted: man on Segway checking iPhone while heading east on Grand.
Rick Klau
rklau According to Google Reader Trends, I share *exactly* 10% of the items I read. I read 10,467 items and shared 1,047 items. Huh.
Rick Klau
rklau Hour-long meetings that end in 18 minutes are a beautiful thing.
rachelleb I've got one hand on my fruit leather and the other one is giving the peace sign.
dick costolo
dickc Great street names in Madrid like "La Carrera de San GerĂ³nimo" can kick somebody's ass with that street name.
Justin Ward
justinpward Cool name for new blog detailing my lack of proper ability to get in shape: Gatorade for Breakfast. Let the ad dollars flow.


Frank Harris Taylor Hughes Paul Smith noel Eric Olson Wilson Miner Khoi Vinh Ryan Carver AmyBeth Doug VanderMolen John Resig Rick Klau Fred Wilson Jeff Turner Traci Hailpern Adrian Holovaty dick costolo jakeparrillo Kristian A. Aloma rachelleb aldenalmagro Josh Andrews matt shobe Ryan Singer Matt P. joselynhughes emilyspurr James I. Davison Eric Lunt aldenalmagro2 Bloomingdale Trail ms_mortara Michelle Samenfeld ninaraphael