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I feel sorry for Generation Z, we had Nirvana, Seinfeld and Pulp Fiction. They have Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana again
two games into the premier league and only Chelsea and Liverpool on 6 points. go the reds!
"would you believe me when i tell you, you are the queen of my heart" - @lotd
@netik: I first saw a DNS client-port port guessing hack on IRC ~10 years ago. DNS relying on host/ip for auth isn't new. good prezo tho
or play spin the bottle for the VP spot
and i hope they play 'its my party and ill cry if i want to' when hillary comes out on stage.
they should make the DNC convention more interesting by having arm wrestling competitions, hot dog eating, pin the tail on the dem donkey
Biden is a career politician and generally a hack. He might have foreign policy experience but he has no fucking idea.
Biden backed McCain for Dem VP in '04: "“I’m sticking with McCain,” Biden said.". the ad writes itself. ouch:
now if mccain picked somebody like bloomberg he would slide into the whitehouse. he could out-obama obama with his pick
i would vote for the guy who wrote 'audacity of hope'. pity he isn't running for president
obama just lost the election with his pick. why does a vp candidate have to be a politician? i thought obama was 'different'
Radiohead are putting on a hell of a show!
wrapping up work and about to head up to the city for the radiohead gig tonight - cant wait! dm me if you are up there
listening to Eddie Vedder's solo work on the Into The Wild soundtrack - great music (also a great film)
ive got a friend who didnt believe in sex before marriage.. show i showed him some photos.. he said, 'she cant be married to all 4 of them'
Seen this 20 times but absolutely crack up each time I watch it. The occular penetration bill of 2006: (NSFW)
@shiralazar i told you earlier, not going to post our sex tape
First blog post in a while: Amazon launches EBS, persistent block-level storage for EC2:


Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Sacca om tedr Dave McClure David Ulevitch Michael Parekh Hiten Shah Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis joshua schachter Fred Oliveira brady forrest Phil Morle Justine Ryan Stewart Brian Solis Tantek Çelik Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble photomatt Anil Dash Kevin Marks Jeremy Zawodny Nenad Nikolic Dennis Howlett Nivi Chris Saad Joi Ito Loic Le Meur marty Cris Pearson Don MacAskill