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@mbassik Haha, that's going to be interesting. Let me know their prices ;)
People are watching 60 seconds of ads on Hulu now... Whats the difference between Hulu and regular TV!!
@eisokant Would love to. YC is my new favorite thing!
@davidalston Bubble Comment seems pretty cool!! :)
About to jump on a call.
Twitter is silly.
@InnovativeVA Haha, I'm such a sweet heart, I'm sooooo the lady killer ;) haha juuuuust kidding! :)
@cophotog You know it! My life is like the movie Old School. No no it's cool, bring your green hat!
@mannyalixandre Hahahaha! "Oooooh yeahhhhhh!" *in hulk voice*!
@adellecharles Great idea on the swag! Your really doing great with your blog! :)
Planning to work out today, 3pm Chicago time. Going to be lifting some weights, and no I don't grunt, unless I got my hulk hogan pants on
@fringeblog Haha, awesome! Glad you can play around with it. If you need any help on anything, just let me know!
@fringeblog Haha just got some DM's about it. Can't believe I just found it now! Haha!
This has got to be a joke: Google announces free in-home wireless broadband service - this is MAJOR
@TechLH Hahahaha, that has GOT to be a joke!
@jalbertbowdenii Hahahahaha! Awesome answer!
@Bayliss Haha even if the watch was all nice and shiny! :) *bling*
Odd poll: If you had to pick, xbox 360 or a diamond watch? @hellyeahdude me!
Know of any Web sites that have odd or creative layouts? Show me!
Note on leaving voice messages: Don't leave a 10 second deep sigh, include your NAME, and please articulate your company! HAH!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Krissy Bush Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca Scott Fegette Jerry Richardson danah boyd Mary Hodder Richard Ault Wayne Sutton Ross Harper Chuck Mike David Crow Jonathan Wight Andrew Wilkinson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier Paul Smith Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Matthew Bischoff Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Justine
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