Auren Hoffman’s Favorites

Auren Hoffman
auren --> Why does every fan switch go "Off" "High" "Medium" "Low"? You would think the "Low" would come after the "Off"
Auren Hoffman
auren --> A person's chance of becoming obese increased by 57% if s/he had a good friend who became obese recently [homophily]
Auren Hoffman
auren --> Should u be able to sell a kidney to anyone you want?
Auren Hoffman
auren --> 2055 prediction: China becomes the largest Christian nation
Auren Hoffman
auren --> Newest fad in Silicon Valley -- taking lots of vitamin B and Omega 3
Auren Hoffman
auren ... More than half the world's satellites are American (but American dominance is declining fast)
Auren Hoffman
auren ... Did u know that the avg American gives fourteen times more to charity than the avg person in Italy?
Auren Hoffman
auren Americans consume more than half of the world's advertising.
Auren Hoffman
auren unfortunately, most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty
Auren Hoffman
auren good reputation systems focus on white-listing people, not black-listing people
Auren Hoffman
auren My definition of someone who's "famous" is someone who is known by more people than he or she knows of.
Auren Hoffman
auren overheard woman say: "I want do date an iphone guy but marry a Blackberry guy"
Auren Hoffman
auren Why won't people wear the same shirt 2 days in a row (even when it's clean) but they wear the same jewelry every day?
Auren Hoffman
auren been using the same bottle of shampoo for over two years. It might be reproducing.
Auren Hoffman
auren The GOOD about premier status is more legroom in coach. But the BAD is a greater chance of the middle seat occupied
Auren Hoffman
auren why does every band do an encore????? I mean ... aren't we hip to that game by now?
Auren Hoffman
auren Canada is a middle ground between the U.S. and Europe. it has many of the best of both worlds. (too bad it's so cold)
Auren Hoffman
auren The biggest problem the world faces is people who outsource the majority of their thinking to others
Auren Hoffman
auren is it ok for a doctor to give u temp amnesia if u overheard something terrifying that causes stress b4 an operation?
Auren Hoffman
auren 3 yrs ago we got a computer for my mom. She asked "why aren't the keys in alphabetical order?"


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