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Fam is all here. Padre and sis are battling to see who can do the best forest gump accent. Hello chaos.
Parade activities take @smusteffylou and I straight from intern row to trailer park alley. Oh the adventures!
@MNForest but I don't like all the side bar action and it isn't the same as snagit. I heard that an older snagit exists, but I can't find!
What's the best alt. to SnagIt for screen capture?
Do you really need a landline or a fax machine now days? Thoughts please.
Chilling at Frankies in UpTown Dallas with @smusteffylou and other FH friends! Come on over of you wanna Happy Hour.
Random Music video that I suddenly <3 80s-poptastic with Shanghi influence
@SMUSteffyLou I am exceptionally excited to try it out, now that I don't have to lose a lung to enjoy!
@lauraknapp No snow in D-town, but plenty of frigid weather. It's 30 right now and I broke out my winter coat.
Omg! I guess I am living in a winter wonderland! A gift for going to Yoga.
RT @edlee: 2008 Christmas party motto: “Drink, scoff, cackle – for tomorrow we start looking for a new job.”
@Amichaelb oh! I'm jealous. I'm can't decide if I want to be in a winter wonderland or tropical locale. But that sounds devine.
@BradMays It is 40 out?!!! When did that happen. Totally not prepared for this. I thought I was migration south!
Help! I need somebody! Help, not just anybody...okay, well someone who knows how to search for twitter usernames? Thoughts? Links? Sites?
Is it bad that I'm just the awk kid in the corner listening to everyone's tweets and never responds?
Reading my morning twitters makes me feel like a Tweeting Slaker. I need to whip myself into twitter shape.
After reading my morn
Ugh. Drinking tea because I got busy and forgot about my coffee. Now I can't think straight and have a headache. Boo.
Sign of Monday--NO ONE was at the lake walking, running or biking. Only fools--ehem, Madre and I--wake up on Mondays to walk.
Is the church visiting curse broken? Yes! Finally a service that isn't talking bout a staff member leaving!


Busy Mom Matt Dickman Allison Mooney Piers Fawkes Pete Cashmore Brian Morrissey Peter Rojas Ed Lee David Bradfield Kendra Bracken jvettorino JetBlue Airways CEO -Tony LWerkheiser Larry Solomon Sarah Langdale Andrew Barnett Stephanie Kahan Natasha Collins BrysonPR Brad Mays Andy Shaw Lauren Hasson David Fishman pherring2000 Fleishman - Hillard Monica Goldenberg christywright LauraKnapp AndreaRenee TheBloggess LukeWilson Alona Cherkassky caverill ATTNews Jon Byington