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putting finishing touches on my Facebook 101 class for tomorrow!
Rolled in to: Arby's Roast Beef (4000 Concord Pike # A, Wilmington, DE) -
Rowan and I just got creamed by the CPU on XBOX. Time for some grub!
Welcome to Twitter @krimcinnes (Kristi McInnes)!
using the mower in December.... crazy!
Recording screencasts for Facebook 101 class on Sunday
I'm really digging Camtasia Studio 6.0 for creating screencasts. Using it to record some Facebook 101 sessions.
trying to get myself ready to prepare for week 2 "Facebook 101" class tomorrow.
welcome @seedthrower - best wishes for you out there in South Dakota!
watching another classic - Frosty the Snowman. "Happy Birthday"
doing some WordPress upgrades to V2.7
@djberg sorry for the late reply - just now saw your Q. Some of us are just using plain gmail right now. Looking into g-apps for 2009. You?
Heading home - only 1 more week left here at DuPont!
I just joined the citrt Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
Welcome @terryfoester! Now if we can only getting you tweeting!
going to lunch with my beautiful bride!
just scheduled a couple x-mas shows to record to my TiVo via my mobile phone! Sweet! I like
Listening to the first 12 free Christmas MP3s from Amazon's 25 days of free: Some good stuff here!
@GeoffSurratt Glad you know you priorities! Happy Friday!
donut day with Rowan before school. 1 on 1 time is good.


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