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Tomorrow starts Twitter week on my blog. I've spent the day doing research on wine peeps on Twitter and will start revealing results then.
Ended up going with Yangarra Old Vines Grenache with my sausage and corn chowder tonight. Thought a brambly Grenache would work. Was wrong.
@lushbeads My sausage and corn chowder is one of my favorite recipes. Nothing fancy - just pure comfort food. Sausage, taters, corn, love.
Tonight I'm resurrecting an old favorite recipe that I haven't made in a long time: Sausage and corn chowder. Which wine to open? Hmm....
@mgkimsal WordPress 2.7 RC 1 install went flawlessly. No problems whatsoever. Redesigned dashboard and write screens look great!
Upgrading to WordPress 2.7 RC1. Crosses fingers. See you on the other side!
Doing some Twitter research on winos and wineries and retailers. Results should be interesting.
Wondering why I pay $25 annually for a Flickr Pro account when I could just upload all my pics to Facebook for free.
@garyvee Tonight I enjoyed some 2006 Craftsman Cserszegi Fuszeres, a value (~$9) white from Hungary. Paired pretty well with some scallops.
Free copy of the book "Branding Only Works On Cattle" (you pay shipping) to the first to add me to blogroll, comment on my site & email me.
MY GOD Grace Kelly JUMPS off the screen in "Rear Window." She's GORGEOUS!
watching Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window" for the first time.
#magpie Get the perfect gift that lasts all year long...
My Twitemperature is a hot 96°F (36°C)!
As times change, every segment of American culture evolves. Now the Girl Scouts are reducing those delish cookies:
Lots of folks friending me up thanks to Mr. Tweet. Thanks, buddy! Welcome all!
Mmm... warm pumpernickel toast with butter. Sometimes the simplest things are the best.
@garyvee I used to turn my pic into a cartoon avatar. I've gotten SO many compliments. Highly recommended.
@jchausse Did you just hire @cowpiesurprise? If so, well done.
@saltlinestudio Shouldn't that be CapeCodstrs? You know, disintermediate your creative synergy in order to maximize ROI in the Web 2.0 space


Philip Kaplan Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Dan Cederholm Sooz Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Adam Weiss kristen crusius Kevin Kennedy-Spaien Whitney Hoffman Jeremy Eaton Dave LaMorte Jay Moonah Becky McCray Brian Clark Andrea Mercado Patrick Haney  C.C. Chapman Beep. photomatt Cameron Moll Hugh MacLeod Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Jeremiah Paul Stamatiou Julia Roy Eric A. Meyer Kevin Rose Christopher Penn Bryan Person
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