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for old-school Panheads... Facebook is to the old community as MySpace is to the community :-P
Trying to convince @jaderossdale that we need to go down to CupcakeCamp. I hear they're gonna need help eating them all
Got a lot of work done this week with the PDX @Vidoop team. Now heading back home to SFO
OH @mtrichardson: I like having your bearded face near me
so it looks like I'm gonna be on @StrangeLoveLive tonight... don't miss it! (or maybe you should)
Getting ready for Strange Love Live tonight at @Vidoop
OH: now wait, are we talking in euphamisms, and if so for how long?
Awesome. Just rescheduled our new dining table to be delivered tomorrow
Working on buying this table at world market... Proving to be a little difficult
Nothing like In-N-Out to refuel before continuing our Christmas shopping.
I cannot believe how difficult it is to find info on shipping food to the UK (what's allowed, etc). Help, please?!
mmmm.. thanksgiving dinner, revisited.
woohoo! Back issues of the November 5, 2008 NYTimes just arrived. I was concerned they might have forgotten
Happy Blue Beanie Day... go share some web standards!
wow, looks like has been around at least since July. I had no idea.
huh, when did http://plugins.svn.wordpres... start mirroring ? I like it, though!
@trimurls having database trouble? The link in my last tweet used to resolve to same as ... now some russian art site
inspired by @mezzoblue's recent iphone boarding pass experiment. Think I'll try this next week from SFO -> PDX
helping @jaderossdale name her new laptop. Her last one was Athena, so we're probably going to stick with goddesses
dear @wordpress plugin authors, please learn about do_settings_fields & do_settings_sections in 2.7 (I should write a blog post about this)


Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Rael Dornfest om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm James Walker Stephanie Larry Jason Hoffman Lachlan Hardy Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Gabe Wachob Sam Felder Simon Willison  C.C. Chapman Andy Baio photomatt Ryan King Sam Sethi Matthew Levine John Gruber Anil Dash Scott Kveton Rogue Amoeba Hugh MacLeod Michael Biven Kevin Marks Bruno Pedro
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