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Heading out of town. Busy weekend includes a surprise party co-organized by @kirby310, guaranteed to be a night to remember :) See you Mon!
@SusanBratton I owe you a note - will touch base later tonight (leaving on a road trip today). Thanks - happy weekend!
Talking to a new client about creating a corporate identity for his new business. Exciting to be given free reign to design something good!
This was commissioned by CosmoGirl, so must b legit:-P
@banannie @lynetteRadio That's a dangerous proposition. Whenever I leave my home ofc in "comfy" clothes, I invariably run into some1 I know.
@euforquestra Thanks for the follow - glad to see you're coming to Des Moines... Is that *this* weekend?
@colette I think it's a big deal, too. In my exp, they were very different kinds of conferences. I hope the merger preserves NME's character
@janetcherry That's a pretty boring way to be naughty. I was hoping to live vicariously thru yr adventures! Warm house is good, though.
Looking for the elusive photo of my aunt playing guitar at my 7th birthday party. Found a lot of of other pix of long-forgotten good times.
@Karoli Gosh, I just saw your news. I am so sorry to hear about the job stuff. Got no wise words for you, just wishes it gets better soon.
New Media Expo acquired by Blog World Expo -
@AlexanderDSM (I was the only grown-up female in the place, red shirt, glasses, laptop, head in hands, covering up ears)
@AlexanderDSM Whew. I thought I was just being a crabby old bitty. I was trying to think of a gentle way to bring it up, but to no avail ;-)
None of which is the fault of Cup o Kryptonite. Just need to get some work done in brief avail. window while I have to be on S. Side. Hmph.
- all over the adjacent table, and an old f@rt behind me, playing country music on his laptop (w/o headphones), and humming out of tune-ack!
Okay. I've had it, trying to work at Cup O K. If "Dark Knight" wasn't distraction enough, there are now two preschoolers running Hot Wheels-
@friuduric The two oldest children (who have each seen Dark Knight at least 4 times) said that I would be "too disturbed" by the movie.
Trying to write at Cup O' Kryptonite, but they're playing "The Dark Knight" on the screen here (I've not seen it yet) and I am distracted
Wondering at the (sudden?) proliferation of "blogging is dead" articles this week. Is it in reaction to the bad news about newspaper biz?
@dsfq Jan. trip is to Calif. Hoping to come to Kingston, ONT in June, if I can work out the time and money, for a cool podcasting conference


Jack Dorsey crystal Evan Williams Dennis Crowley Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Kyle Ford Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Dave Winer Christine Herron George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Jared Christensen Justine Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Bill Palmer John Federico Michael Bailey George L Smyth John Wall Elisa Camahort Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam
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