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@stacybrice bfast in falls church tomorrow at 830? Be at bwi at 1130 tonite. Call my cell if ok. Leavin mke in 10 mins.
Thanks for friends who wish me a happy birthday! I enjoyed a day long Phil-holiday...Back to work soon :)
@Tla_kate Happy birthday to you TOO! Just getting back on the grid :)
Hanging with @hdbbstephen and sharing birthday wine!
@ashwinpande Phil and Billy ROCK!
Ask questions free ebook:
@ChrisBrown330 Great photo of Susan. Thanks Chris!
Remembering Susan Quandt:
Thank you friends for your kind words. I'm most sorry for Susan's family. Please keep them in your hearts and prayers.
Are You Shackled by Success?:
Mourning the loss of a great friend:
Humboldt Alterra ROCKS! Great tea and free wi-fi. Gotta love it!
@MackCollier I'm with ya Mack! Shula and the Fish are tired old men. Bo-ring TV.
@ConversationAge brilliant commentary on Twitter Valeria!
Productivity Promo New 2009 GTD calendar released. Check it out!
@ashdryden great seeing you and Boone at Alterra!
watching SNL election 2008. Not as funny as I thought it would be. Too bad really, though you gotta love the way they pander to Obama.
@karenwallace Hey Karen, nice to see you too. Been busy here. Working on lots of fun stuff. How are you?
Free Seth Godin stuff:
@hdbb_stephen shared me: Watch Phil Gerbyshak talk about personal branding at Biz Dev in Context


Paul Terry Walhus Pete Prodoehl Alexander Kjerulf Chris Brogan Paul Williams Reg Adkins Matt Homann Heidi Miller Becky McCray Brad Isaac Brian Clark Ted Demopoulos Steve Sherlock Todd R Jordan Douglas Karr noah kagan Johnnie Moore Vinny Carpenter Kevin Farner Rich G. Ashe Dryden Connie Reece J. Patrick Greer Jeff Keni Pulver Christopher Penn David Armano heygabe David Finch Drew McLellan Suzy McLellan Cliff Ravenscraft Gavin Heaton Sara Noel Brendon Connelly Mike McBride tim milburn
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