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Hey husband, you and your little elves need to find me a decent Pilates DVD. And no, a Jazzercise video wouldn't be funnier.
Dude, my kids can work over a rotisserie chicken like nobody's buisness.
Happy 5th Birthday Stella! Now get in the car for the 6 hour drive home.
Just walked past Tim Gunn on his way into Macy's. Barely resisted the urge to ask for a wardrobe make-over.
When my sister makes me dance with her it is officially an Anderson kind of evening.
My love of graphs combined with my love of the ridiculous. Why am I just finding this site?
Today's lesson from my highly educated coworkers: I am an 'external processor." Was reassured that it is in a very good way. I'm suspicious.
When life gives you Noble Fir, you prune until it looks like a Silvertip.
Every time I ask Porter if he has poop in his diaper he does his best attempt at blaming it on Ranger. Apparently its a genetic inheritance.
Stella: "Mommy, I want a boyfriend." Me: "What's a boyfriend?" Stella: "I don't know, but I want one."
For Porter, the Apocalypse comes in the form of change in routine. I am still stomping out the flames.
After being dragged down a dark alley on two different online auctions, I am still without a 40th birthday gift for @walstini. Stupid eBay.
New front window but no new front window blinds. We are now the neighborhood fishbowl.
Project time: To window or To Fence, that is the question.
I am the poster child for the baking challenged. Started with two recipes and ended up with three pies.
A Thanksgiving Miracle: Porter got a professional haircut today. No screaming. Shots are on the house!
Gah! eBay was not built for people with my temperment or last-minutedness. It needs a sister site called Here, Just Buy It Now.
The Pirate's Booty line of snacks is the thinking (wo)man's Cheeto's.
Play date: Alex in Ariel costume (with red wig); Stella wearing Ariel t-shirt and bike helmet; both coloring, at different tables.
Daughter just tried convincing me that she needed a specific outfit because it was *saxy* (no, that's not a typo; yes I was mortified)


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