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@Barb_G @doctorious phd in comms/mktg/mgmnt: my take is no. not applicable.
@goobimama let me know if you need help with dispensing all that cash.
The guys are having fun with the XP3. Coffee with cream just became Coffee with cell phone.
Speak Russian? Live in Oslo? Check it out:
How do I get a more appropriate apostrophe on my Mac? This one (´) is on a speed trip. I guess it´s about keyboarding settings?
@Rits Hehe. that´s funny. Guess this can be called 2 seconds of fame? thank you for the link!
@Hicksdesign Sounds like something that happens to many people in Norway this time of year. Or did this happen in good old GB? enjoy the led
@vetler norwegian politics felt very smalltown after the US election. just didn´t get excited about their in-fighting any more
is anyone out there still using Plaxo? I keep getting annoying emails from them.
My comments to Forbes about Obama´s brilliant tactics:
RT @robhof: Google AdWords goin' mobile:
@svendah denne var bra: pluss at jeg lærte eple+h. sikkert banalt for dere proffingene, men genialt for meg.
I never thought I would say this, but I actually prefer Opera on the Mac vs Windows... the experience just... feels better.
@svendah thank you for the mac hints... :) really starting to enjoy this thing..
@DavidRisner hehe. sometimes, you just want to quit being a human and join some other animal race. might as well, when u c these stories..
@Gartenberg laptop on the road: hehe. most people have easier lives, in other words. good luck!
I had no idea barack is a smoker. He needs to ditch that habit immediately, before he hits WH.
Been trying EventBox. Not my cup of tea.


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