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arrives back at his car to discover it encased in ice, thanks to a hard frost. This doesn't bode well for getting to work in the morning.
@mantia I see it, I’m just not that kind of girl. Sorry!
was just wished a ‘Many Christmas’ by a spammer! Thanks, Mister Spammer!
is drooling over Mac Pro configurations.
@v That may be the most delicious thing I’ve heard all week.
@boagworld And, to answer your question: data endpoints.
@boagworld ‘Widgets’ probably don’t fit with RSS and APIs: they /consume/ rather than surface data.
should really get dressed.
has come to the conclusion that, whilst MBP is faster, less screen space makes it harder to work with. Rock, meet hard place.
is finding Aperture on his MBP (accessing photos via PowerMac as target disk) to be insanely fast in comparison. Damn.
is tempted to try using the PowerMac in target disk mode with Aperture on the MBP to deal with all the photos. Gotta be faster, right?
@matto I’d stimulate /your/ economy for that.
can safely say that he will be razing his work MacBook’s OS to the ground over the Christmas break.
is back in the office after the lunch of win.
is going to bed markedly later than planned. Well, once he’s made his bed, he will be.
@setmajer I was surprised by Riddick, too, when @kurafire insisted I watch it late last year.
is still procrastinating the shit out of this post.
is trying to find the words.
@Si What’s not to understand?
is watching the end of Home Alone whilst sipping red wine and trying to write a blog post. Can't think how to start.


rabble Matt Jones Thomas Vander Wal Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson Prashant Agarwal Daniel Morrison ribot Keith Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Si Jobling Norm! David Stone Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward H Josh Russell Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Andrew Disley pixeldiva Simon Willison Phu Calum Juan Ignacio Dave Verwer Leonard Tom Coates
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