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I think people hope newspapers will die so they can stop feeling guilty about not reading anymore and quit faking like they read online
definitely wanted to see @jtauber's Pinax talk at the Cambridge Django meet-up tonight, but there's no way I can make it
Just came up with a new design to refactor into django-syncr that'll make it a lot easier
Obama should run this auto-bailout like Oprah's favorite things... $15 billion dollars --- AND FREE CHEVYS !
Google is the Luke Skywalker of tech companies. They claim to not be evil, but we won't know until after at least 2 sequels come out
If I only got to tell Will Smith one thing, the phrase "Shut up" comes to mind...
People are always asking about Emacs tutorials... watch this 5 minute demo video, it's great
Have awoken to wind-chill temperatures -7 below zero
Does anyone buy these Best Buy commercials where sales associates conjure up brilliant one-liners to sell someone's grandmother an iPhone?
Also: love the signs at the Oklahoma game calling Texas fans cry babies
Main event doesnt start til 11 but you need to warm up the crowd
Not sure you can call yourself a real sports bar if you arent showing the De La Hoya fight right now
Trying to win a bet w/coworkers about who can drive most traffic to Quotd. Can you do me a favor and click this link?
I don't usually save installation files these days, but the 1.16GB installer DMG for MacTeX seems wise to keep
Holy Schnikes, my Google Reader just turned uber-redesigned
John Coltrane Quintet with Eric Dolphy for $2.67 on Amazon MP3 is pretty much a no brainer
I'm like the Mickey Rourke of Django bloggers. Haven't posted in months, forgot the password to /admin/, rm -rf'd the root of my web host
Documented my personal use-cases for django-syncr on the project's issues page, per request of some users...
How am I supposed to pick my favorite Kevin Smith movie when they are all so horrible?
Read somewhere that 60% of Americans would be spending $0 today. Not sure how far off that is from normal, but doesn't sound that great.


Rod Begbie Cal Henderson Andrea Mercado Dave Jeffery Wilson Miner Simon Willison Patrick Beeson David Cancel Nathan Borror David Pitkin Jeff Croft John Gruber liz Jesse Baer Joshua Blount Jay Meattle Leah Culver Harish Mallipeddi John Resig Shimon Rura John Capello tim graves James Tauber firstgiving Jeff Cutler Jeff Cutler - BOC Chris Kelly Newsweek Dan Milstein Zach Moazeni Paul McGrane Handsome Greg Jessica Morris JetBlue Airways Fugitive Toys Lukas Karlsson