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I have 3 cameras, tripod and a remote for school musical. Hope to do a time lapse with camera 3 if we get there in time.
Seattle Times commenters understand how public funding works much better than James Vesely
Katsuaki Watanabe for US car cszar!
Asked, and I received. CityTweets now covers Seattle
Just got a Kindle. Feedback for Seattle Times arriving before 6:00 AM don't look good. When does it arrive for others?
Hawk under the Aurora Bridge has the other birds rattled.
Chris Sterling will be lecturing our Scrum class tonight.
Just bought Tweetie for the iPhone. Like it.
Danger of corporations trying to use DCMA to stifle free speech:
Adobe Media Player 1.5 just released. I got sucked into watching Dilbert.
@mattmay I seriously can't get mad at someone taking a private jet that may never get another chance to fly in a private jet again ;-)
Updated my profile on the new Adobe Groups
@moniguzman I assumed the inauguration invites were divvied out using a donor list. How DO they decide?
RT @jdowdell: always used Flash, but video was WMV. Last year they had SL as WMV client. (good clarification of Flash video) #max08 will stream games using Flash next year. Will also have an AIR client #max08
Fake Don Draper hands over Twitter account to AMC This experiment raised lots of interesting questions
Going to see Lucinda Williams at The Showbox #Seattle
Reading How Toyota Became #1 this morning. US Auto bailout sounding like bad investment of our money.
@ldesautels We thought of remote people "having trouble paying" for being late too. Add a PayPal link on your intranet or wiki!


Dom Sagolla Scott Fegette peterme Ryan Stewart Brian Fling Bradley Horowitz Jeff Barr Mike Downey Daniel Dura Kevin Hoyt John Dowdell tim strickland michele turner Adobe ColdFusion Jared M. Spool Peter Morville Geoff F MacRumorsLive Louis Rosenfeld Brian Dorsey Matt May Monica Guzman Adrian Tanase Tom King Dooce Matthew Snow Andrew Coven Rufus Deuchler iPhoneDevCamp Stuart Weibel Troy Gaul Rachel Luxemburg jeffreyodonald adrocknaphobia Benjamin Ortuzar MichelleNicolosi