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@alexbischoff I haven't tried OpenOffice. My xls issue was a surprise this morning and I knew Excel was arriving today so I didn't sweat it.
Inbox Zero! Well, for my Gmail account. My normal inbox still has about 40 emails to attend to.
@samhs is too slow. Between Numbers, Excel, and GDocs, I should be fine. :)
@1G33K 1920x1400. But the font was 12pt with a generous line-spacing.
@zahnster surprisingly, it couldn't. It spat out a simple "can't open this file" message. Excel opened it without issue (as expected)
the default fonts in Entourage are a little big. It feels like Outlook for Kids.
@davidavdavid I didn't register it. I almost never register software.
just installed Office:mac 2008. Maybe now I can open that spreadsheet I got from the client this morning.
one client call down; plenty of emails written; more to go.
@AppBeacon Very cool, thanks for the pointer. :)
@drewm Thanks to the the internet, any shirt you have is more hip than you'll ever be. w/
I managed to compare the music industry with the web design industry. I'm a little proud of myself.
1yr old is refusing to sleep. hoping he doesn't wake the whole house.
Sometimes I'm impressed by the professional presentation of an email where I'd normally expect something more casual.
@meyerweb I know an ad network that might be of interest for ads on your sidebar, although I'm sure you've already got something on deck.
my twitter dings, my email chimes, my campfire rings, my facebook pops. has an angel gotten its wings yet?
@zeldman I treat everything lightly. Like a gentle touch on a woman's back. Um, what were we talking about again?
@zeldman Heh, I'm not offended. Just responding to your question.
@circa1977 many of the HTML services are run by a single skilled dev. @unxpernced used to be one, for example.
@zeldman Also, "below-market" HTML services are often run by people who are just as passionate about web standards.


Scott Fegette Mr Messina Mark Wubben Jeremy Hubert Thomas Vander Wal John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Josh Bryant Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Alex Hillman l.m. orchard Amit superamit Gupta Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Si Jobling Kyle Bradshaw Norm! Aaron Gustafson Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Nater Kane Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart
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