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Me: "There's a new birth control pill called Yaz?" Wife: "Well, now we know what they were doing upstairs at Eric's."
@crispycracka My god, you couldn't have screwed up that joke up worse. It's: "Two NUTS were walking down the street, and one was a salted."
Hopefully the "major character is replaced by a black man" thing will last longer for America than it did for Iron Man or Green Lantern.
Just saw a woman talking on two cell phones simultaneously while driving, one in her left hand, the other . #notajoke #whenobamaispresident
Nov. 7, 2008: President-Elect Barack Obama appoints Sarah Palin as Treasury secretary. His master, Eris, is pleased.
Ever have one of those days where you are incessantly hungry? If not, you are welcome to mine.
@Sundry Well, I'm about to savage it on my site. Let me know if you want to write a rebuttal. We can do point / counter-point.
@Sundry Hey Linda, did you (somehow) actually enjoy the book "Twilight"?
Me: Who's the president? Son (4): Obama! Me: And who's the vice-president? Son: A pumpkin! OCTOBER SURPRISE!!
Just removed a bunch of political sites from my RSS reader. I feel like I've lost 60 lbs.
@brittneyg Pfff, I'm all that too. Well, except for the penultimate.
"What were you doing when Obama was elected, Grandpa?" "Loudly booing whenever he was mentioned during McCain gracious concession speech."
Please return to your voting station to receive your new sticker.
Religious right cheat-sheet: Prop 8 passed because God wanted it that way, but Obama won the presidency because He is testing us.
This is why Kevin Drum is my favorite political blogger:
Okay, going to bed. Wake me on January 20th.
The Onion: "Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job"
In three minutes the West coast polls close, at which point they will call it for O. Uncork the campaign now.


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