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@asimpleparadox So you're writing/editing something about welding? Scintillating.
Watching people on Twitter across the globe update Wordpress to 2.7.
Oh FFS, just had to arrange a meeting to talk about another meeting later. I hate myself (or actually, I hate the client who caused it).
At Ha-Lu in Mt Hawthorn for fantastic Japanese. Might try some sake. For the sake of supporting the economy and all.
@Bettyispretty *We're* going to Ha-Lu in Mt Hawthorn :)
In case someone missed out on this brilliant XKCD - "A Bunch Of Rocks".
@200ok Oh, I wanted to see him, but he's not coming to Perth this tour, darnit.
@feather @toolmantim Wow, Aussie as! Looks like there's even a Hills hoist in the foreground.
Pitch: A new better short-term storage/sharing and/or SCM site. Name? Tiffin. Domain?
Was just pointed to this Flickr set of 6 "Nursery Rhyme Cupcakes". Short history of each rhyme is interesting too.
@avantgame That will go down on your permanent record.
Finally, a bus.
Hoping the bus is late, otherwise there isn't another for fucking 30 mins. Would call a taxi, but then I wouldn't get to work for a decade.
Was followed by @mollyzenobia She has 3 albums out. Powerful, soulful vocals and piano, great strong voice if you like that kind of music.
Hmm, magnitude ~7 earthquake halfway between New Zealand and Tonga. Apparently only tsunami threat "within 100km".
@Warlach Get "from <my app name and link here>" added to tweets from my new project ;)
"Your request for a Twitter source parameter has been approved". Yipyip, now to get building things.
@jordanbrock I guess, as some commenter says. Chrome + Gears + Native Client == the future Google OS
Google's Native Client = their version of Java applets?


Biz Stone Evan Williams Dunstan veen Xeni Jardin Manton Reece Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver lane Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Kitta Meg Hourihan Michael Newby lisa Jeremy Keith Anson Tantek Çelik Hickensian Colin Devroe Aaron Gustafson David Stone Drew McLellan Natalie Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Tom Coates Snook
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