Eric A. Meyer’s Favorites

Jeremy Keith
adactio Changing my name to Jeremy Keither to make life easier for Eric Mey.
Liz Danzico
bobulate Starting a sentence with "and" or other conjunction: perfectly acceptable. But there's nothing forgivable about a dangling participle.
tiffehr Like @meyerweb, I don't like chocolate. You chocolatopolists will never remember that, and I'll get the same weird look. I'm okay with that.
Jack Holt
jackholt #OS08P: Obama sent to Guantanamo without trial for treason when he suggests Bush should be removed from office on January 20th.
beep O! Mine eye is wet from joy, and mine heart heavy with boundless love for "Talk Like A Prelate" day. Blessings 'pon its noble brow.
Kelly Wright
kjcw I love this Twitter meme: "Mrs. Palin needs to be reminded that Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor."
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Sucks for everyone else on the planet, but it's shaping up to be a brilliant century for satirists and American billionaires.
veen We cooked dinner for two people who invented most everything that's good about the web.
Derek Powazek
fraying If you're the person who posted a comment demanding "free speech" on my site, sorry, I deleted it.
hotdogsladies Some days, the web feels like 5 people trying to make something; 5k people turning it into a list; and 500MM people saying, "FAIL."
Jeremiah Hester
pixelnated I keep waiting on someone to do a twitterrss account for @meyerweb 's excuse of the day feed. -
hotdogsladies FWIW the Vegas hotel that flew your live lobster from Maine into a _desert_ would appreciate your reusing your towel. For the environment.
Dean Cameron Allen
textism LOLLAPALOOZA. (Laugh out loud like a psychotic architect losing out on zoning agreements.)
Simon Willison
simonw javascript:(function(){var d=0;setInterval(function() {['-webkit-transform']= 'rotate('+ d +'deg)';d+=1},10)}());
Sean Flanagan
SeanFlanagan @meyerweb * html div { overflow: whateverthefuckmakesiework; }
Anil Dash
anildash if you want to make sure that people hold onto a grudge, be sure to assign a permanent URL to the moments when you insult them.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Calling proprietary Google code "open standards" is one thing. Wearing those shorts is another. Put some pants on.
beep tweets order The which in appear messed is severely up.
Shaun Inman
shauninman If "real life" were like the internet you'd: stop a stranger on the street to tell him just how much his combover personally offends you.
Anil Dash
anildash There is no problem so complex that it can't be exacerbated by hitting the "Send" button.


veen Scott Fegette bryan mason Glenda Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Molly E. Holzschlag Scott Andrew Dan Benjamin Maxine Sherrin Kevin Cheng lisa Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Aaron Gustafson Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Beep. Garrett Dimon Veerle Pieters Nate Koechley Frances photomatt Craig Geert Leyseele Ryan Carson Lisa Miller Gillian Carson Jeff Croft cindy li Greg Storey Glenda Sims James Craig John Gruber
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