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@scenariogirl We have Series 2 if you want it
I'm at near Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia -
@magia3e But it gives you soooo much screen real estate. The ROI is there. And it's $2800, not $3K :-)
@scenariogirl C'mon up, the weather's sensational! Conference dinner tonight
@magia3e Apple 30" is the ONLY way to roll ;-)
RT @JasonCalacanis Ten great iphone tips... killer! :
@pubzak Nice one! will pass on (should have been there...) Thanks :-)
@bennyg Thanks mate, will deffo pass on feedback :-)
@viveka Thanks for the OZCHI 08 Google Calendar :-)
GM: Africa - Usually someone in the community who can liaise between the village & the HCI person. Know as HAP = Human Access Point #ozchi08
GM: Ceci nest pas une Button! #ozchi08
GM: Awesome photo sharing for mobile. Photo selection UI and screen sharing. #ozchi08
GM: Africa - mobile is the best platform to build apps, everyone has one and cheap #ozchi08
Gary Marsden has a frickin' LASER #ozchi08 Kewl
@spl72 Thanks mate :-) Simple, clean and functional we hope. Some refinements to be made though!
Gary Marsden on Africa: 3 times people access internet on mobile than PC #ozchi08
@halans Hi JJ, thanks for your tweet. Please note this isn't the iPhone version. I'll chase up about that ABC1/2 image though...
@toolmantim Hi mate, It's in Beta so I'll deffo pass on your feedback! Thanks
@motodev Hi Randy Glad to hear you like the ABC mobile site and thanks for the RT :-)
Off to listen to Gary Marsden's keynote on mobile at #ozchi08 Looking forward to it!