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@jessiedog Here's hoping you keep that lot down, young lady!
@scenariogirl Did we receive a special parcel in the mail? :)
@atariboy Those choons are seriously rocking my casbah this morning!
is loving the Mish Mix Top 100 Tunes from 2008: Thanks, @al3x, very tasty!
So Atlassian is now so officially badass that we have our own 3-day conference. Check it:
is still loving the morning after. Add your own Myles-isms here!
@glenmaddern No worries! Was good to see you in town :)
is walking off his post- #roro hangover in the rain. Was a hell of a night, gentlemen, thank you! I blame the godfather, @benaskins, myself
Tell @songcarver what you think about net filtering etc. He has a meeting with the Member for Canberra at 10.30
@songcarver It's a bigger picture than that. To build a future of Australian success, we need unlimited unfiltered fast fast access to net.
@rands 'Maniacal attention to technical and visual detail' is a sweet line!
@johnbarton Nah, @i2w pimped it pretty comprehensively. As he should. It's fucking sweet! ;)
is loving @quackingduck rocking the JavaScript animation mojo in his custom rip of Faces.
thinks @benaskins is a sweetheart for shouting beers for all his #RORO godchildren. He's a core part of the delicious heart of Ruby in Aus.
"@Lachie has this Faces app. It's like Rails guys and... their... faces...?" - @quackingduck rocking it
@kevinmarks That quote from MySpace a paraphrase of Gillmor's Law? "The Internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it."
is watching @i2w talk about the sexiness that is his sweet little ResourcesController
couldn't stop laughing as @toolmantim launched Built by he and @chrislloyd at #osdc. @quackingduck is not amused
is watching @toolmantim in over time in his formerly 'lightning' talk on @canarycarla's in Nanoc & Sinatra


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams rabble Alissa Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman veen Lane Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch J Chris Anderson Thomas Vander Wal Michael Paul Smith Pat Thor Muller brady forrest Steve Ganz Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle alan jones Alex Hillman Larry Maxine Sherrin Geoffrey Grosenbach lisa Jeremy Keith Spif Daniel Anson Tantek Çelik Aaron Gustafson
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