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frankmartin - From my Senior Yearbook - So much hair!
Amazing. Just got an email from Jeff Oster.
Wondering why Mexican food sounded so good - I think it was the Margaritas that did The 7 things meme, my take.
@Sarcomical And he will work you like that for years, Melissa! How well I know! :-)
@mosleyppr Do - it's beyond my meager ability to describe! Ok I did it. Thanks @ambercadabra! Grrrrr..
@writegud A desk abhors a vacuum
@pprlisa AdAge, Marketing News, Economist, Marketing Manager, and a million news feeds
@GeoffLiving I start every day with 5 reads: You, @marketingprofs, @conversationage, and @chrisbrogan and @rohitbhargava. All inspiring
@GeoffLiving thanks - I read a lot of the same ones - Rohit and Valeria and Copyblogger and @jowyang
@GeoffLiving I would love to hear what's left when the purge is done. @bethharte's heart is as big as her mind
@AmberCadabra Top of the Morning Miss Amber! Hope you're well today dear! Believe in what you are doing from @cspenn - Excellent stuff
http://moodstream.gettyimag... What a captivating timesuck is Moodstream! Thanks Rohit!
If you wanted to use socmed to drive traffic to a slow grocery store, where would you start?
Reputable companies will screen YOU to be sure you qualify for the focus groups. They won't tell you in advance what they are looking for..


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