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@Coolass you might appreciate this coolness:
Swedish pepparkakor: spicy ginger-molasses cookies. Samples of homemade over in my area, if you're in my area
just made some yummy nom nom nom sugar cookies with almond flavoring.
Getting the show on the road... going to stop for cookie-makin' noms.
@KathySierra Like how people get good at sexing chickens!
@tbrunelle Happy Eid al-Adha :)
Staying in all day. Photographing stuff for eBay later. Maybe an evening walk. Maybe.
Uhh cookie dough fail, no molasses in the house. Pandora's playing New Order for me though.
I'd better mix up that cookie dough already. It has to rest overnight in the fridge.
... Then we go shovel at MIL's and use their sauna (they've fled to Fla.) Then, home to mix up cookie dough - Swedish pepparkakor.
REI merch pick-up, drop off HO track at 'free' bin at Scale Model, return lib book, sell 4 bags of books at Half-Price, bubble tea now.
I mean, "Strangers May Cheer You Up, Study Says."
“if your friend’s friend’s friend becomes happy, that has a bigger impact on you being happy than putting an extra $5,000 in your pocket.”...
@susani transference much?
now I remember why I never try to operate on 4.5 hours of sleep. can it be nap timez now pleas
Still gotta walk home... A mile... Uphill... In the snow
This is a really great set.
@mngreen really?? Alice Cooper? What's he playing?


Chuck Olsen Rex Sorgatz Aaron Peter Fleck alexisthegirl Greg Flanagan taulpaul Jay A. Morgan Andre Behrens Barack Obama Brian Moen Garrick Van Buren stacey mulcahy Luke Jennifer Bohmbach Jesse Ross Tim Brunelle Jason Kleckner Julio Ojeda-Zapata andrew eklund Meghan Wilker sharyn morrow malloreigh Matt Lee UstreamTV Jennifer Johnson Dan Beranek Electronic Iraq jason rysavy sugarbaby mngreen dzimney Joe Lillibridge Studio1020 Sara K
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