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Quest does not validate parking. Booooo. - Photo:
Hopefully will be inebriented sooon. -
I think that Nasonex stuff really works. -
@johnkuo The chicken was meh and I don't think I can afford a MacBook.
Ah, there is nothing like waking up at the butt crack of dawn.
I need a new computer! -
I'm making chicken koobideh.
It's too cold in my office.
Brightkite on the iPhone, FTW! -
@Poshy I would highly not recommend Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist!
I think someone's ass exploded in the unisex bathroom. There are stains on the rim.
I need more sleep, yet there is a lot of TV to watch tonight!
I need more sleep, but there is lots of TV to watch tonight!
I finally got boxee working on Apple TV.
@boxee I get as far as doing the update for boxee and then this: Cannot launch Boxee from path: /Applications/
I think I just saw Air Force One flying by, escorted by two jets.
Is this how stupid people pronounce nuclear: new * ke * ler
Boxee didn't install on my AppleTV. I'm sad.


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