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Wow, one day away from the computer and I've got over 200 unread emails waiting for me. Imagine if I hadn't set my OutOfTheOffice message?
@SuePolinsky If things go as well tomorrow as I'm hoping they will, NOD32 will deserve most of the credit. Solid anti-malware, inexpensive.
Dreading tomorrow. After the changes I made to our network over the 12 hours I was in the office yesterday, it's going to be brutal.
About to set up the Christmas tree. Is it that time of year again already?
Searching for the ghosts (real and imagined) in the machines.
Thank God for NetShare on my iPhone. Getting online when your entire network is down? Priceless.
Not that I'd know, I mean. What's a "bit-torrent", anyway? Yeah, that's it.
Surprised you don't see it on the torrent TV sites.
Love "Dragon's Den", one of the best Canadian TV series ever produced. Also loving the PVR so we can watch it when we want.
Enduring my first iPhone restore. Can't really complain - I brought it on myself.
Oh yay! Meeting's starting.
I'm sitting in an empty conference room waiting for my 2:00 meeting to start. It's 2:13.
@panache If you find out where to get good rubber feet for a MBP, please share!
First time at inbox zero in over a week. Now to tackle the ever-increasing task list
Rememberance Day falls on Tuesday, meaning I gave a weekend after my weekend.
Forgot my contacts at home. Need them for hockey tonight. Now I get to spend extra time driving in horrible weather. Oops.
@trishussey Why not accept that you're actually looking for a MBP?
@LisaH Didn't know you were moving, congratulations on getting through it! I hope it's everything you're looking for.
Installing Windows 7 on my Windows desktop in a remote desktop connection window while working away on my Mac. Not possible a few years ago.
The only thing worse than reading boring tweets is reading tweets that consistently try to be witty, but just as consistently fail.


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