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Alex's G1 says: Alex is at the coffeeshop. Mmmmm...... coffee :)
'Night world!
Anyone use RevolutionCard? Cool idea. CREATIVES::: What are good, catchty names for new cash / credit cards?
@atcrawford OH! You're the one who watched them! :P
@atcrawford Rock on. You sound pretty talented!
@kathrynaustin I'm still not sure if it would be the death of america, but things would definitely be ALOT diff w/o big 3.
@kathrynaustin very good point --- and don't worry about offending me... hope I didn't you!
@atcrawford Awesome. Much experience with web apps? Go niche with php man --- now that digg is funding v6 its gonna FLY!
@atcrawford oh --- ever checked out for the financial management apps?
@atcrawford btw --- what kind of software engineering do you do? I might be looking for a cs/ce for a startup project
@kathrynaustin BUT, I'm not absolutely sure the country will collapse --- honda, toyota, and rest are employing more and more americans.
@kathrynaustin I understand ... I worked for GM for quite a while and still have lots of friends there.
Continued best idea ever --- RT @dizastor In fact, I'm going to quit my job and bring all of my bills to DC and demand Uncle Sam becomes ...
Best idea ever::: RT @dizastor ... And I want a web designer bailout
@atcrawford I hear ya... Nice use of the instantrimshot. That's awesome. Definitely bookmarked :)
What's everyone's opinion of the auto-bailout?
@frohman Sorry dude, that was me on the phone with your mom.... ZING! :P
Woo hoo! Lucky #300! Thanks @blogomator! :P
@fearlessblogger Yeah... frustrating. I'm cool with a certain amount of self-promotion, but that's WAY too rude and impersonal.


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