Michael Banovsky’s Favorites

Miranda McCurlie
ilovecpstyle This song goes out to my ex... oh, I hope you are having a great day darling...
Rachael Depp 
Michael Banovsky
michaelbanovsky - Yes, the Cobalt SS caught and passed the GT-R. (Obviously the GT-R wasn't going flat-out!) The SS is still qui ...
Michael Banovsky
michaelbanovsky I made up a joke this weekend. Q: "What's the fastest country?" A: Rush-ia. I asked Shane, he said "I-Ran". Drat. Back to the drawing board.
jacklhasa @ElPocho man, the cops here don't get helicopters. we can barely trust them with cars. hah
patti digh
pattidigh @michaelbanovsky You really made my afternoon with constant...craving...will there... thanks!
George Dearing
GeorgeDearing "number of text messages sent & received every day exceeds the population of the planet" - Sean McDonald, Dell #in.telligent
Sarah Curtis
rojopelo Husband to me: Do you think Jesusfish can be one word? Spell check says no.
Miranda McCurlie
ilovecpstyle michael banovsky is OUT of my life ... forever... the man is a piece of SHIT... i can't believe he said the things he said to me... DONE
Mignon Fogarty
GrammarGirl Reading: "Texting: The downfall of precise grammar?" ( )
Michael @BikerBar
bikerbar “ The World is all that is the case. The world is a totality of facts, not of things” , “Tractatus 1*-1.1 “ by Wittgenstein
DougFirebaugh Great post- turning the mundane into Extraordinary:
Toby Vann
mokindo a bevy of gals wafting a cacophony of freshly spritzed top notes, surrounded the barista like ducks around an old man and his breadcrumbs
Nina Yiamsamatha
ninanyc @michaelbanovsky who wouldn't? wine & sunflowers are two guaranteed ways to make a girl feel warm & fuzzy on the inside
Kim Vallee
KimVallee @michaelbanovsky You must sip a little bit of the wine while in company of @ilovecpstyle :-)
Chris Cavs
Anne Morello
AMorells @michaelbanovsky I'm sorry to hear that. Do you need a hug? Or, alternatively, a new GF???? Possibly a blonder, shorter cutie?
Miranda McCurlie
ilovecpstyle Good Morning everyone!... Especially, the LOVE of my life @michalbanovsky.
Michelle Naranjo
MissMotorMouth A beautiful tribute to the true spirit of the dreams that cars can bring by @michaelbanovsky


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