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Checking out Mr. Tweet, a personal assistant for discovering great followers and influencers in my network!(Please RT)
I am excited. I just made a Twitter connection with another HS SpEd teacher at the other end of Michigan. Oh, the possibilities!
@yoopertechgeek Where are your students' blogs and would they like HS LD kids to make comments?
Does anyone know if edublogs is down? None of my students can connect. We could about 10 minutes ago. Now nothing.
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@jdornberg Either I can't spell or I can't type. Need to go to bed.
@jdornberg If anyone needs help with Goolge Reader send'em my way. How come your email wasn't as colorfou as your tweet about Bloglines?
@jdornberg Thanks. I'm just fascinated! Here we go again.
@jdornberg Where can I get the music video you showed in the iPod session? The one with the treadmills.
@teach42 Count me. Iregistered on your new "toy/educational" web tool.
Test Tweet
Tried to do grades for report cards. edline server is down. ARGHHHH!
The bad email was on the Yahoo server.
Thunderbird may have tried to retrieve a "bad" message and failed. Won't retrieve any messages until "bad" message is resolved.
Thunderbird fix for RETR error from pop server. Use webmail and delete messages. since last good message.
@lesliefisher Attended Monoe, MI session. Thanks for Mozy tip. Love it!
It strikes me as I watch Stars Wars that the saga is really the story nof the droid R2D2 not anyone else's.
@CLykowski I see someone else is engaging in my favorite thing to put off until the last minute. grades aren't due until the 2nd so .


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