Steve Bridger’s Favorites

John Battelle
johnbattelle Tweetpoll - I'll be in air during the trading day, so where will the Dow settle at close? Closest one wins, er, a ticket to CMSummit NYC!
Farhan Rehman
magitam - Just discovered Twitter Karma let's you bulk follow/unfollow - I love it!!
JD Lasica
jdlasica The Social Path: Why Intel's social media policy is a really big deal. Really. (Disclosure: I'm an Intel Insider.)
Farhan Rehman
magitam RT @BenjaminEllis Just finished a post on Dunbar's number/relationship scaling - - recommend reading it..
Alberto Nardelli
AlbertoNardelli Brilliant site for student and educators:
JD Lasica
jdlasica Blog post: The Ultimate Social Media Etiquette Handbook: Tamar Weinberg at Techipedia: The Ultimate So..
Rohan Gunatillake
rohan_london internal game theory workshop at NESTA this morning... have been looking fwd to this one for a while
JD Lasica
jdlasica Blog post: Kiva: micro-loans to entrepreneurs in need: Kiva from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Here's a 4 1/2-mi..
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly What does the failure of social networking to make lots of money have to do with that ongoing trend? It's a data point, but not the whole
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly Web 2.0 is a name for the internet as platform, and how it changes the rules of business for the computer industry.
Angela Connor
communitygirl From an internal stakeholder perspective they have not determined how it (community strategy) can add value and how they can support it.
Dion Hinchcliffe
dhinchcliffe Decent article summarizing Twitter-like options for consumers and business. I use Friendfeed/Yammer both.
TechSoup NetSquared
NetSquared RT @changetheweb: Best ever post that explains how @changetheweb could change the world - Really, you gotta read this - by
Pete Cashmore
mashable 20 Great WordPress 2.7 Compatible Plugins ( )
David Armano
Armano "search loves conversations" @johnbattelle feels every brand needs to be where the conversations are BECAUSE of search.
tom_watson @billt You've helped me frame my argument. A medium that challenges you, makes your focus and change - 500 years ago they called it art.
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan Great post by @ConversationAge about changing the conversation as a marketing strategy: (Valeria's such a great thinker).
Rolf Kleef
rolfkleef also, perhaps @kanter and @engagejoe can together build a permanent #givelist on @socialactions -
dogstrust Bebo Competition: kids like to draw? Send them over to to scribble away! The theme is 'a dog is for life...'
Bill Thompson
billt @tom_watson value is more than GDP contribution- game playing and development are part of modern culture too. Like music.


Biz Stone Evan Williams davegray Jerry Michalski danah boyd Sean E Keener Ross Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Dion Hinchcliffe thomasknoll Hiten Shah Dave Winer Oli Watts Ed Fladung Robert Brook Dominic Tinley Ian Jindal David Parmet Josh Hallett tim malbon ribot Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Rob Cottingham Beth Kanter joitske Jim Long Philip Campbell Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Ian Forrester russell ade Hickensian
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