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' PS3 decided not to read disks anymore last night.
' nerdfun of the day: No, you can't adjust that value; it's hardcoreded... :)
@Studiomx work it fatser! Only 9986 icons left until you can buy the audi. 119 days to go if you work 24 hours a day.
on multi touch gestures:
frieren schon wieder die Haare
wants to order a functional testsuit at ze olde haberdasher #nerdjoke
befährt fast leeren TDamm, WTF??? #berlin
: Travellers passaging to Südkreuz, please exit here for ze circle line! #S1
@holgerd oh you didnt know? I have a spair parallels license iirc. Holler at me if you want it!
fährt S-Bahn mit nem Schwung 13-jähriger Girls, die angezogen sind wie, 'tschuldigung, Nutten. Was die wohl vor haben am heutigen Wandertag?...
absolutely fucking recommends this album, especially song #1: I want that in guitar hero, please!
absolutely fucking recommends this album, especially song #1:
hatte gerade Fenster an und Heizung auf, oops!
@Mode2 It's Route66... Home of the worst burger I ever had!
... Burgerrrr ... *drool*
¶ Bommerlunder, Ballantine's heute ist uns alles Eins!
¶ It ain't too late to have a change of pace
¶ One way or another, I'm gonna get you
@djblue adresse bitte ich komm rum!
@MarkGGN Puh im Prinzip schon, denk ich