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dropping Elliot off at daycare
jamming with Karolina and Dave and getting lost in all of the single note twiddly-doos of this song (No Sleep by Sam Roberts)
Giants Management: we're going for the 'Atlanta Braves Model'. Seriously? Wow, giants fans are screwed.
Hey man ... Meet at URLs
would like thank Amy for the cold/flu/bug she gave me. What can I say, she's a giver.
heading to Stanford to get lunch at The Creamery and take The Christmas Photo with Santa
listening to She & Him and waiting for me missus to finish showering so we can watch Ratatouille. Yes, married folks know how to get wild.
very cool man, vivians a trooper no doubt.
seriously, AT&T can suck it
@mlaaker take care man, sick days are for catching up oh your shows. Daily show marathon?
so this my commute at 8am, lots of cars I see
thought that Amy's Starbucks habit would mellow when out of town? Ummmm, no.
wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Don't hesitate to unbutton after your feast. It's just the right thing to do
waiting for my afternoon Cortado at Beantrees
on my way to sunnyvale for a session
OMG the Apple TV and Remote app are sick. Very impressive
Walking the dog and for the first time, it's feeling wintery
on the 101 in traffic, and this makes a tough day even worse. Yayyy!
finished installing airport express, now we're setting up a new lamp and child-proofing. Yes, we know Elliot is 16 months and we're bad ...
going to meet the realtor, off to work after that