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@NMHill @manresaclara I'll be there. Can't see to read name tags, so look for someone who looks like my avatar and say Hi-)
@openzap sorry, was confused by your note, wasn't sure if you were complaining or not
@openzap I'm sorry, that's odd, I just cut and pasted the daily routines URL
Neat blog site - check out http://dailyroutines.typepa...
@harrymccracken I do hate to hear things like that - that PR person should have been better prepared - where is the mentoring/training?
@briancaldwell oh my goodness, that is so sad. I am sorry for your loss. I hope they caught the driver and threw the book at him/her
@jowyang Thank you. I'd love to be one of the five:-)
Q 4 everyone who broadcasts on BTR or UStream, etc. Can u devote a few shows on opening up your lines to ppl to do 1 min 'hire me' pitches?
@tiffanyanderson I hope so. Watch for me since I can't recognize you...I look like the avatar:-)
@Meroko Neither am I. I am legally blind and can't read name tags or recognize faces:-) But I persevere
@Meroko Appreciate the RT. And yes, I make sure LinkedIn is updated. Hope to meet you at a Tweetup some time. I am going to one tonight.
Continuation of last post - the person in need is me...Have never asked for help before, very hard to do - but these are difficult times
Pls help/RT. Cdn PR/AR pro in SV needs job NOW 2 stay in US. Losing home. Vision: integrate SM into PR 4 tech startups, SMBs. CV/refs avail.
@mediaphyter I can't see enough to read name tags. I am legally blind. But I do look like the avatar:-) So say Hi.
@idarose We'll toast tonight
@idarose FINALLY:-) Congrats.
@mediaphyter You're very welcome. Hope to meet you at a tweetup some day...Going to the one tonight - are you?
@Barb_G thinking parsnip or celery root?
RT: @consultingpulse Are there any good books on PR out there? I want to supplement what I'm learning with Dan Janal.


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