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Off to Catalethique's 6@8 This month's topic: Sustainable tourism - Tourisme durable
@18percentgrey Yes, I've heard people say that and I can see why. That's why it needs to be done right.
RT @GreenSmith: And now for some serious news: How to rock an ugly christmas sweater:
@JuliaRosien I was thinking more along the lines of the karma. LOL
@damienbasile I thought he was being discharged. Say hello for me next time you speak to him.
@thecitizen hehe maybe but what do we do with it?
Thanks for the help everyone!
@damienbasile Thank you for being you! I hope to learn from you. Hae you heard from AB?
How to cut and paste a graph from Acrobat Reader anyone?
@Jon_Hoel That's the LAST thing Melbs needs.
RT @mabeliam: "Among the many answers I have found, I believe love is the most beautiful and simple art that reflects the beauty of life."
@packagingdiva Glass and paper are better than petroleum based plastic in most cases right?
@justlikeanovel Sure so long as they're lined with an iPhone and maybe some platinum?
@KathleenSBarnes Thanks! The great @JuliaGoolia did it! And she's doing them for charity now!


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