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@julieloyd no, not just you. I left at least 30% blank and never asked me questions really relative to how I use Salesforce. Missed oppty.
1623 people ahead of me on Ravelry. Invite should come through on Friday.
-5 pts for doc so far. It's 10:17 and we had 10 am appt. Why is only his time valuable?
@CRMFYI you're right, I need to do that. Will tweet link when I do.
really wish I could convert leads from my iPhone. So boring, can't figure out how I could automate process. At least it's faster in Chrome.
L has 1st appt with new neuropsych practice today. Taking no less than 200 pieces of paper w/me. Really don't want to start from scratch.
Yo, Salesforce...doing your Relationship Survey 2008 and you don't have "nonprofit" or anything close as a choice to describe industry. Bad.
@CoreyPud Yup. Saw it. Needed to do a background image on a td. No can do in Outlook 2007, so had to rework entire thing. P.I.T.A.
@BJMendelson um sure...good look with that. Let me know how that works for ya. ;-)
@BJMendelson Compared to Office '08, Word/Excel '07 is much better. I have to assume that 90% of our email recipients are using Outlook.
@BJMendelson Well, on a scale of 1 to 10 in Outlook 2007 it was a 2 before, it's a 8 now. Have to decide if I can live with it or not.
Looks the way I want in 14 other clients, including AOL 9 for goodness sake, but breaks a bit on Outlook '07. ::sigh::
Arrrrgggh. Designing HTML email so it works in Outlook 2007 is a nightmare.
Testing C3's holiday email e-card.
If you want users to be able to see reports run on Campaigns, make sure they can read on Leads. Took a while to figure out. #salesforce.
@scoblitz Your guess is as good as mine. I didn't think it was broke before.
@RobUsdin Not that one is better or wrong, just different. FF doesn't do it for me either. Prefer Twitter or Facebook overall.
@RobUsdin I've said this before. If u want to connect with content, FF is great. If you want to connect with ideas/people, then not so much.
@brentsimmons I'm the same way. I get in trouble with my family if I get up too early to work. That's probably only thing that stops me.
@jpseabury LOL. I can imagine. Our new home is 3 stories but single zone on main floor. Had a feeling basement would be cold. It is.


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