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@Leslieann44 @busboysandpoets @jessethomas Helvetica - cool flick, saw at last SilverDocs
At band practice in new practice house after quickie tweet-up/dinner on the way...playing drums 'cuz drummer at dinner w/ Tom Friedman ooh
@digitalsista Tweetup? Tonight? In my hood? May be there...if I can fix our forums/comments problems, split in time for band practice....
Great commentary on Marketplace: Robert Reich asks "Where's the bailout for human capital?" (or save banks not education?)
RT @guykawasaki: Christiane Amanpour on genocides on NPR ; heard 2 v interesting, followed by author o "Planet Google"
just back from a late workout...will fit into that tux:)
@ljean sorry, missed reply. Wearing tux to the Peace Ball on Jan. 20, welcoming our new President!
@sairy since when are you blogging for PdF? Nice post!
RT @sairy Here's my latest article - experimenting with new search sites & government, campaign info, data -
RT @educationweek: College-Cost 'Emergency' Said to Jeopardize Access
RT: @MacDivaONA: NYT reports Odetta, folk singer and "voice of the civil rights movement" has died.
'Tis the season! Just finished watching Shrek the Halls and How the Grinch Stole Christmas w/ daughter...good msgs both. More tmrw.
Plans today: new art museum in downtown Roanoke, then hopefully a short hike in the hills w/ daughter, b4 heading home.
To run again today? Think not, out 'til 2, slow wake-up. Ran over 3 miles yesterday-pretty much for me. Gotta fit into that tux by Jan. 20.
So after a night at someone else's reunion (not mine)...last stop in downtown Roanoke, heading w/ daughter in store tmrw
Also checking out first @MrTweet reports - looks cool so far. Recommends people you should follow from your followers and your network.
Fixing up mom-in-common-law's computer (updates, virus defs and the like), then on to help her get aquainted w/ it. At least they wifi now.
V nice t-giving dinner, then MD beat Mich State - yeah! Now watching Obama on O'reilly Factor...and mopping up floor w/ him. Barack rocks!
@jdaggitt Lots do. Some say the first news of the Mumbai attacks came via Twitter. Look for hashtag #mumbai at


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest veen Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh adam Jose Arocha Scott Beale Kurt Thomas Vander Wal Antonio Edward Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jake Shapiro George Brett Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz nakedjen Zack Rosen Justine Brian Russell
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