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In other news, it seems I picked up a fairly peculiar regular print columnist gig today. Weird day. Good night, sinners.
@thisisstar free porn requires elegant presentation? Doesn't free porn fly as well when served from a shitty bucket? Due to being Free Porn?
@laurennmcc Are you pissing on people? @NatashaStrange pisses on people and they give her money for it. Something to think about.
So what's everyone up to tonight, while I sit here writing scripts and syringing Red Bull into my tear ducts?
Anyway. #braincustard
Someone asked: Parkinson's comes with a slew of mental problems, including memory loss and, in something like 30% of cases, full-on dementia
There's probably a vicious circle here, having to repeatedly explain to people with advanced Parkinson's not to eat the toxic whale meat
Because, of course, that's what's in 'em: mercury, DDT and PCBs in the whale meat, causing fetal damage, Parkinson's & immunodeficiency.
I bet you there's one old guy with whale brains in his teeth yelling "Fuck you! Whales don't taste like shit without the mercury and DDT!"
Tonight's headline from New Scientist: "Faroe Islanders told to stop eating toxic whales."
Warren Ellis died earlier today. He left the house without wearing pants again, and a weeping, retching crowd beat him to death.
60 years ago today, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights came into being. Good morning, sinners.
@miiru rioting protestors in Greece are reported to have been organising via blog posts sent from secure university networks
Brainfried after writing 1300-word thing on riot blogs, journalism & the death of newspapers for the back of DOKTOR SLEEPLESS #11. braaains
@nikkicook the flourescent piss is from the big doses of Vitamin B in most energy drinks.
SUPERMAN RETURNS is perceived as not having done so well. SUPERMAN RETURNS -- AS BRUCE LEE would have ruled the world.
HENRY AND JUNE would never have lost a penny if it'd been HENRY AND JUNE AND BRUCE LEE.
I mean, BRUCE LEE'S PRIDE AND PREJUDICE is a film I'd sit through.
Why hasn't digital technology been used to insert Bruce Lee into more films? All films, after all, would be better with Bruce Lee in them.


Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Schulze Tom Reynolds Melissa Gira Grant lau rstevens Joi Ito Adam Greenfield Catastrophe Jones Zoetica Ebb BrianReed Bruce Sterling Wil Wheaton Gala Darling Jasmina Tesanovic debauchette Jamais Cascio Ariana Osborne Eliza Gauger BBC Breaking News Boing Boing Kelly Sue DeConnick fredrin Laurenn McCubbin Brian Wood Kieron Gillen Melinda Uden Ben Templesmith ApathyAngel Emma Vieceli Steven Shaviro JosieNutter Antony Johnston Rae Mer