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good news from the doctor! and i quote, "her ears look beautiful!" finally over the ear infections
i ask my students where are the strangest places we find life being made on earth? guy yells back "in my bed"
nothing like getting the stink eye first thing in the morning
i'm tired of the campbell's soup commercial about LT
goodnews! a close friend just told me he got a new job and accepted to college! badnews: its in PA
My favorite guacomole has been ruined!
getting chewed out by coworker because i wasn't selected for a biology review board even though i'm certified.
designing an acid/base neutralization reaction lab
best way to improve mpg in ford pickup
18.5 gallons of gas for under $30
ahhhh... planning time
What is the chemical formula for antacid tablets?
My chemistry students GET IT today!
@jbminn ONLY!?!? that's enough to shut down MD's eastern shore for 2 days!
just realized i'm following a lot of Jazz musicans
yesterday's high temp: 32 Today's High Temp: 56 Tomorrow: 65 This is December right?


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