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@RobertBluey @kmrasmussen RT @sanuzis Rep. Dave Camp supported Auto bailout with Rep. McCotter. Sad day for MI Republicans and taxpayers.
All MI Representatives voted for the Auto Bailout except Walberg who was not voting. 9/15 are Republican #weak #noprints #tcot #chapter11
Roll call votes on auto bailout: Republicans in italics. #noprints #tcot #chapter11 #bailout
$14 bil Auto Bailout passes House 327-170. 32 Republicans voted for the bill. #noprints #bailout #chapter11
RT @ragley @joshuaculling South Carolina H. 3014, H. 3119 are the first 2 cigarette tax bills, 30 cent and 23 cent increases. #statebooks
Catching up on state cigarette tax proposals: don't raise revenue, encourage smuggling, and often used for govt health insurance - bad idea.
Reason: For Detroit, it is 65 mil BC—year meteor landed and replaced dinosaurs with smarter/more agile creatures.
@DavidAll RT @sanuzis just gave a tremendous response to why he personally uses technology to send a message: Authenticity.
@taxplaya Listening to your theme song with @patrickmgleason while doing some late night work at the office: DzzDzzDzzDzzDzzDzzzz
With @patrickmgleason and @johnkartch having a Mad Men late night at the office.
Mayors join Governors in search of federal #bailout money. Next stop individual taxpayers??
Mayor Bloomberg requests fed bailout money for NYC while pushing $1 bil in tax hikes from overspending #statebooks
Barack: "When I met with the governors, all of them have projects ready...going to require us to get the money out the door." #statebooks
According to Twitterholic I am the 75th top twitterer in Washington, D.C. @taxreformer is number 39.
RT @EATerrell Barack: "Making our schools energy efficient." How about making our schools efficient overall? #SchoolChoiceNow
@jbarro RT: Louisiana is less tolerant of currupt politicians than Alaska. Cao beats "Dollar" Bill Jefferson in LA-2.
@GennX There are so many recounts every election. I can keep track of them about as well as they can keep track of the ballots.
In LA-2, Cao 53% to Jefferson 43% with 79% reporting - projected win. In LA-4, Fleming up 356 votes on Carmouche with 100% in, recount?
@michaelpleahy Will do. Can you DM me and @adamradman the details?
@michaelpleahy Yep, @grovernorquist is my boss. #ATR hosts many meetings of center-right leaders. #TCOT is like an ongoing/twittered meeting


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