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@karynromeis I thought so... lol I will not be demanding beer of my 13 year old students, worry not! :)
@dajbelshaw doug, what was your last tweet about? what am I doing too? the link is dead... :(
@karynromeis year 13 = 18 year olds
@sethdickens I use
just won a bet with year 13-I said "divination" is a word in English-they insisted it was not-We checked - I is! They now owe me a pint :)
2 frees now.... how long will it be before somebody steals them? Hope not, got TONS of marking to do...
@digitalmaverick not feeling your usual pleasant self then today? ;)
@digitalmaverick Drew, did you get my DMs yesterday?
@kusdiva now that's an idea for a twitter offshoot! TWEATER! :)
in the oven now, 25 minutes to culinary heaven... :)
just marinated a breast of chicken with paste made from garlic, fresh chillies, fresh coriander, coriander seed, cumin, ginger and turmeric
reading @andyfield 's article in yesterday's Guardian
doing more listening practice for forthcoming mock GCSEs, getting really bored now...:(
funny how preparing students for exams forces you to turn back (technological time)... off to make hundreds of photocopies then ...
doing listening practice with year 11... boring!
@aliceayel go for it - the more the merrier :)
@lisibo not of the top of me'ead me luvver
@nstone that's skank (as my students would say)
@dajbelshaw I get all of those, but students are still filtered. Does your LEA not filter staff separately?
@sethdickens thanks for your comment Seth, very much appreciated, and very good ideas!


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