TX USDA Rural Development Logo United States Department of Agriculture 
Rural Development Texas 
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Community Facilities Programs

Community Facilities Loan Program -

    Loans are made to construct, enlarge, extend or otherwise improve community facilities providing essential services in rural areas and towns with a population of 20,000 or less. The funds are available to public entities such as municipalities, counties, special purpose districts, Indian tribes and corporations not operated for profit. Interest rates are fixed  terms up to 40 years. USDA Rural Development also guarantees community facility loans made by banks or other eligible lenders.

Community Facilities Grant Program -

    Community Facility Grants can be used to assist rural areas and towns with low-income, residents in developing essential public community facilities.

    Grant funds can be used to supplement funding for all projects eligible under our direct or guaranteed community facility program. Eligible applicants are limited to those communities under 20,000 population and the facility must serve areas where the median household income is below the poverty line or 80 percent of the state non-metropolitan median household income.

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