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@smaclaughlin I'm an RE customer who would love to speak to a BBNC sales engineer about a rush project. Can you help?
@mmayernick where are you from in Philly? I was born in Mayfair (NE) and grew up in Bucks Co.
@farrelley I don't know but I wish you luck.
@taxplaya wish I was in town. been through 5 seats now. Still have a deep disdain for the makers of those things
@technosailor truth is with the way Eagles have been playing I realized pre-game might be my only chance to talk junk
@technosailor want to apologize in advance for my Eagles taking it to your Ravens today
@corbett3000 sounds like a great blog post. I'd love to hear about it as well.
@mmayernick - better be careful that @technosailor doesn't say you sound like Dave Winer
@mmayernick interesting distinctions b/w prodcuts aimed at consumers v. Producers #smcdc
terrible call on reversing the Manning penalty. No way was that incontrivertable.
@farrelley Great work on parkitdc. Any thoughts about an iphone version now that the widgets up. @corbett - parkitdc is a sure winner.
@jcarbaugh Congrats and good luck today.
@skeevis I'm jealous. arriving in Philly for the weekend now. wishing i was going to socialdevcamp.
I think my vote is for Utley.


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