Mike Butcher’s Favorites

Jennifer Pahlka
pahlkadot @mbites thanks for a great party last night!
Xeni Jardin
xenijardin McCain goof: Petraeus isn't Chairman of Joint Chiefs, he heads up US Central Command.
Poppy Dinsey
PoppyD @18percentgrey It's the British version of netflix
Mike Butcher
mbites Weird. I just hit 2,000 followers (ok, 2,003). Here's to Twitter I guess.
Mike Butcher
mbites @mydogminton is my 1000th twitter follower (by a whisker). I am humbled by you all. At least until the cynicism returns, like a black dog...
Paul Walsh
PaulWalsh 3dynamics is going to focus on the Mobile Social Network application that works on LBS. Setting up UK company to launch it. That's progress!
Garret Keogh
garretkeogh @iantait New Media Age manages to make an exciting industry seem very boring. Who reads it?
Matt Biddulph
mattb thanks to mysqlproxy, i can now make read/write dopplr clones on ec2 using local slaves for read and the master server for write. automagic!
Mike Butcher
mbites "In Twitter Veritas"


Evan Williams Chris Sacca Xeni Jardin om Kathy Johnson Kulveer Alexander Ljung Jason Calacanis Giles Turnbull Elliott Ng Sutha Kamal John Hornbaker Cristiano Betta james salmon brady forrest Ian Jindal Scott Hussein Rafer Morten Lund Jyri Engeström Prashant Agarwal James Corbett Pat Stuart Woodward David Stone Yoz Josh Russell Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Bobbie Johnson Rob Bevan Antony Will Head Richard Moross Jem Matthew Cashmore
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