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Top Gear - Stig gets £36,000 Caterham round the track quicker than £1m Veyron ...
@kevinrose 3 times over in 3 months! NOW is all there is, everything else is an illusion. So why do we need past and future so bad?!
Seth: The internet is almost full
Just got TwitterBerry!
Hannah still up at 22:30, Emily in bed with chicken pox
At the Commonwealth Club with Malgosia
Oh crap, gotta get going, catch train to town, meetings then OpenSoho
@nickhalstead yes some of the team's best breakthrough ideas at Zubka came when we were in the shower (not all together).
@mbites yeah but bulldogs do their own homework :)
@mbites ... too right, does Jason have children?
So glad to be back at Kingstone House. This home has soul
@robinsonmark email me what you need I may be able to help ...
TomTom tells me 3.5 hour drive to York tomorrow. I don't think so buddy .. I have a car not a helicopter FFS ...
@mikemcclelland I know! And I'm even later to comment on your comment but WTF were they thinking?
@jemimakiss He must be ancient he was 60 odd then wasn't he? Must watch it - is Jet still around? Or maybe I shouldn't destroy my memories.
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@robertloch hang on I've seen that business model before?
Heads up HR professionals - check out Zubka's new Employee Referral System
Working at Jungs, GX
Who wants to bid for my Harley


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Sacca Ross Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Jason Calacanis John Hornbaker Greg Lexiphanic Justine Prashant Agarwal Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Heidi Miller Veronica Belmont Brian Solis David Stone Ben Ward Tom Coates Bobbie Johnson Bradley Horowitz Euan Semple Richard Moross Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Ryan Carson Boris Scott Rutherford giovanni Sam Sethi Philip Wilkinson
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