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AC/DC set to visit Nashville in January
@jrnoded yeah, who cares about that ape when the whole country is going to hell??
@GeekMommy Individual computers is the *only* way to go! If I had to share one w/ this critter here, I'd kill him.
@phdaisy I'm so sorry for your loss :(
@BlondeByDesign When did u move to OZ? ;)
@QueenofSpain RE: blog post. That just might work, if you find the right flavor of lolly :) I suggest Oscar the Grouch band-aids for Mc.
@wolfmank I must be warped. Most people, looking at your avatar, probably see a bird of some sort. I see a hole punched in a wall.
@gloriabell Hopes that for both of us, but mine doesn't appear to be headed in an upward direction.
@WickedStepmom I would have kept the cat and ditched the kid, but that's just me ;)
@susanreynolds Of course you're still fun! Now go get some sleep.
85% of Nashville-area stations are out of gas, AAA says ......
Unknown Mozart work discovered
And so ends another episode of "All My Socnets". Until tomorrow *cues music, fades to black*
@susanreynolds If I had it I'd certainly give it, but right now $25 is a small fortune here at Chez Welch. To me anyway. Mr. Clueless nsm. Pink Floyd keyboardist Wright dies
@timepilot lol Doesn't take much to make some people happy :)
@hooeyspewer lol you're welcome :) Fearing gas shortage, drivers jam pumps (TN)


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