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@ubehnke u like it? i'm Not sure. but i hope to see it tonight ;)
@ubehnke have fun in budapest and come back with some awards ;)
Laughing at: "Freezing cold, no internet, boring: it's a French web 2.0 conference! | Technology |" ( ......
rehearsal now
Did I ever tell you that the Holy Bible app is by far the best iPhone/iPod app I know?
Meine Bewertung zu Hôtel-Restaurant du Midi in Genève :
Meine Bewertung zu Restaurant Esquisse in Genève :
some football in tv
Retweeting @DavidBrain: digesting a perfect meal at L' Esquisse in it out if you get here
@ubehnke aber Hallo! was soooo great there.
@dervanil immerhin lassen die dich raus. Mich haben Sie heute nicht rein gelassen
Dinner with @davidbrain sbf @marshallmanson in Geneva. Nice family restaurant.
ok and now also got an adapter for my plug. didn't know they have a different system here.
finally working in the hotel w/ the colleagues, great that they already have come that far
I will Not go _3_ hours by Bus. Never. I take the train. Lufthansa kann mich mal.
Zürich now.
They say heavy snow in Geneva. True, @marshallmanson?
Shit, flight to Geneva cancelled. Now via Zürich.


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